Propane keeps your lights on. When the grid fails, your propane generator will restore power within 10 seconds. Automatically, every time.
Don’t get left in the dark. With our over 85 years of expert experience, let us handle everything: from generator & gas installation to ongoing maintenance.
From purchasing to permits to final installation and ongoing maintenance. Contact our team of experts to discuss the best solutions for you, your home, and budget.
As highlighted in a July 2024 article by Katherine Blunt in the Wall Street Journal, “Get Ready to Pay More for Less-Reliable Electricity,” the stability of our electrical grid is becoming increasingly uncertain due to aging infrastructure, rising demand, and extreme weather events.
Utilities across the nation face the challenge of modernizing the grid and the impact on consumers is increasing costs for decreasingly reliable electricity.
Photo © Christine Kohler via canva.com
Take the Power Back into Your Own Hands
As power outages are becoming more common and lasting longer, many homeowners are turning to backup generators. Unlike natural gas generators, propane generators are 100% off the grid, ensuring your power remains uninterrupted, even when the main grid fails.
Investing in a propane-powered generator provides the priceless peace of mind of continuous power.
Backup generators keep vital home systems running in the face of an increasingly unreliable power grid. We offer expert installation and maintenance. Seamless, worry-free service from start to finish.
Restore power within 10 seconds of an outage. Get prepared now by having a propane standby generator installed.
The U.S. Department of Energy recorded more than 3,600 major power interruptions nationwide in 2014. They also note that the frequency of outages is increasing every year. With a propane standby generator, your family can spend the next power outage playing games, reading, and relaxing while the neighbors search for candles and flashlights. Give your family greater comfort, security, and safety with a propane standby generator.
We are certified resellers and installers of Generators by Kohler and Generac
Instant Power, Every Time
When you see storm clouds looming on the horizon, you don't want to wonder if your backup generator will start or not. That's why propane is the perfect standby generator fuel. Unlike gasoline or diesel, propane won't degrade over time, so when the power goes out, your generator will start automatically, every time.
You May Not Even Know It’s Working
It usually takes less than 10 seconds after a primary power interruption for your propane standby generator to kick in. Plus, most units produce as little as 60 decibels of noise — comparable to a normal conversation — so you may not even realize the rest of the neighborhood has lost power.
The Size and Capacity You Need
Propane standby generators are available in a wide variety of capacities, so there's one to fit the needs of your family. How long can you depend on your standby generator? A 7kW standby generator drawing from a 250-gallon propane tank can provide enough electricity to power your home for up to five days.
Generate Heat and Power With Propane Micro-CHPs
Micro-combined heat and power (m-CHP) systems are an alternative to standby generators. M-CHP units use a propane-powered internal combustion engine to generate heat and power from a small internal electric generator. Here are the unique parts: the system captures the thermal energy produced by the engine and transfers it to a hot water storage tank for space heating and hot water use. The electricity produced by the generator is used throughout your home. The best part: you can sell any excess electricity back to your electric utility provider.